Thursday, July 10, 2008

Boxes - big and small....

For me, the goal at work is to make it through the day without getting a box returned to me for various reasons. Boxes can be returned for using the wrong box, not having a packing slip on the outside, if it weighs too much.... etc. Most days, that is not a problem... but every once in a while, I will miss the PSO.. "packing slip on the outside" or whatever... and it will come sliding back to me. What I hate the most is when that happens at about 8:30 in the morning. :-(

Addendum: I jinxed myself. The VERY next day... I got a package returned at 8:15 a.m. for being in the wrong box. :-(

I also have stopped measuring the "stuff" instead opting to look at the stuff and then the boxes, then... like a puzzle... fitting everything into the box..

Ok.. ok.. I know. Super exciting....

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