Saturday, July 12, 2008

AFOTS and other things..

That would be the 30th annual Art Fair on (and off) the Square.... Kate and I headed up to Mad-town fairly early this morning, to "beat the crowd" given the weather was borderline, with a big storm having just passed and gray skies still blanketing the area. While we did beat some people, I'm sure, there were plenty of people already walking around the Capital Square taking a look at all of the displays in the EZ-ups. Lots of beautiful things....

After we circled back around, we then walked down State Street, a favorite place, especially in the summer when there are plenty of people of all kinds, and visited some of our favorite shops, including Pop Deluxe! and the UW Bookstore. Noodles, Inc. for lunch and Coldstone Creamery for dessert.... delicious! Photo source

Then we did the East Wash route ... Target, the Mall, called to say hi to Molly before heading back home to take care of the doggies.

All in all, a great day, though my feet were feeling it by the time we got in the car to head home. :-)

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