Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2008
For everything.... there is a season...

Kate got the dogs a little more involved than they probably wanted to be..... :-)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Search no more.
You know you have:
1) seen a product in a store, but now cannot find it when you have decided you need it,
2) at least one of something in your house, but regardless of how long you search you cannot locate it(them), or
3) tried to explain the picture of something, which is very clear in your mind, to a clerk in [name of ten or more stores where you have gone to look for a new one] so he/she can help you find the item you are seeking, only to have them look at you like you have totally jumped off the edge.
While that might be true, that is not the point!
After searching on the internet to no avail, because any combination of terms I entered did not produce the item (had I known the actual name, it would have been the lead item on Google search... go figure), I finally found someone who knew what I was talking about and could ORDER me three packages of them.
BUT, WAIT!! Today (remember now, the order for the other three packages has already been placed), Kate and I were at the University Bookstore in Madison (on a Badger game Saturday, who knew?) and what should Kate spy tacked on to the side of a display?! The device! I said... if it is tacked here, they must have it or know where they can get it!! I proceeded to look around and found two containers FULL of them in various colors!!! For $1.49 each!! Why why why.. does that happen... you find things in your house, when you have already bought another... you order three sets, only to find them for the grabbing in a plastic bin.... never fails.
What are these amazing items????
The Klick-Fix.
You simply adhere it to a surface and "klick" your writing utensil into it... where it is held firmly until you lightly lift it up and out when you are ready to write again. Incredible.
Why do I even need/want it? A couple of the students I see at my school cannot keep track of the pencils on the top of their desks... invariably as soon as they open the top of the desk, they forget to hold on to their pencils and they drop off onto the floor, which may as well be a Black Hole for Pencils.... so then, they rarely seem to have a pencil when they need one, creating additional problems for themselves. SO... hopefully, this modification will reduce the number of problems they experience in any school day by one.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I am the mother of an award-winning photographer....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Another month?

Saturday, September 27, 2008
long time no blog....
So, what has been happening since the end of August... since it very nearly the end of September....
After.... is above.. with one of my assistants in a rare moment without her young charge!
Decisions had to be made about arrangement and getting equipment set in place and so on... not to mention, determining what, if any, materials were left for me to use. Soon, I will take an "after" shot to post... I had the camera with me several days in a row, but the opportunity to take a shot doesn't usually come til the end of the day, and that is usually the last thing on my mind at that point. :)
Since, then I have been making sure I have things ready for the classes I am teaching and modifying materials for other teachers who have a variety of students in the classroom, and facilitating the move to more inclusionary practices as much as possible. We are also using new software for annual paperwork and record-keeping, so I have learning that as well, so I am ready to present the new goals to each child's family as the meeting arise (my first one was last Tuesday). Another teacher, also new to the school, shares the room with me, and works half-days, in the morning. So, we are getting the routine set and who manages what in terms of students' paperwork.
The days go very quickly, which is not new, I remember this feeling from my days at the middle school level. I quickly remembering what worked and what didn't from those earlier days, as I establish rapport and trust with the troopers in my care.
Weekends have included a reception for a co-worker's daughter, a visit to an art fair primarily to see a former colleague's work, a retirement gathering for the doctor who delivered Kate, a book discussion (Einstein: His Life and Universe), and the 30th Annual AAUW Used Book Sale..where Kate and I spent two hours last night working and another three this morning arranging and re-arranging books... I designed the promotional posters and bookmarks, and got the Price List signs made and sent to the printer as well. The entire armory in town is filled with books and the profits provide scholarships for women and girls in the community. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Each year it is like this...
So as you can tell... life is never dull. :) There is always something to do or that I should be doing. I hope all is well with all of you.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Moving Day #2
On the other hand, the kitchen had become the depository for All Things College. The list was made and double-checked and things added. Items in boxes and bags of all kinds began to accumulate on the table and the surrounding floor space. "Mom, it's only for four days.. you can handle it." (Tell that to my OCD tendencies.. :P )
Well.. those four days went rather quickly, given that my first "official" day of work at school was on Wednesday, but I (we) have been in the room getting things ready there, too, over the last couple of weeks.
So, this morning, All Things College once again filled the CR-V and the Tundra...and by 9:35 we were headed to Bigelow Hall to make numerous trips up several flights of stairs. Soon, the room was full of these things... electronics were hooked up and tested.... then Cousins for lunch and a grocery store trip ... and that was that! She and Amanda, her roommate, were arranging and re-arranging to creature their own unique room.
Charlie headed off to work for a while... and I headed back home... to paint another layer of wine.
Best wishes for a great academic year for all those returning to school this fall! Make it a great one.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Time to fly....
Back door of the old place by the balcony and the loaded CRV....
So, Molly, Kate, Charlie, Jamie and I packed up and loaded one apartment and one cat, Ella, early Saturday morning and headed Up North to another apartment and a new beginning in Menomonie. After unloading all of the stuff and making sure the cable and internet were functional, Charlie and Jamie were on their way back to Fort Atkinson and Waukesha by about 3:00 p.m. (Thanks, Uncle Jamie!) while Kate and I stayed overnight to help unpack, get groceries, and, as an added bonus, make a trip to Bloomington MN to the IKEA store and the Mall of America. Then, after assembling the microwave cart, and getting some ice to help the refrigerator/freezer cool down a bit faster, Kate and I headed back to Fort, getting home about 10:00 p.m. Whew!
Like any transition, happiness and sadness accompanied this process, but I am confident that Molly will discover more about herself, and the town, including the beautifully restored theatre and Legacy Chocolate, and the people at her new school and workplace. It's time to fly!
In other news :-)
The Henn Family reunion went off without a hitch on August 10th, with beautiful weather and great food, especially the taco dip! Herkimer made he appearance, too, sporting a new red tam.
Kate and I are done with our summer of packing at the warehouse as of last Friday. Apparently we can't get enough of the packing thing, though...we continued packing as we helped Molly, and will do more of it as I move into my new classroom and role as special educator again, and as Kate moves back to her dorm room .... both prior to the end of August!
Monday, August 4, 2008
The 24-year marker...
Time it was.... and what a time it was.... a time of innocence.... a time of confidences... long ago, it must be... I have a photograph. Preserve your memories.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Busy... busy...

Reading glasses. I am all too familiar with their purpose.
Then Kate and I went back on "overtime" which means starting work an hour earlier in the morning... 6am - 3:30pm. One hour... no big deal, right? Right.
Charlie and I took our vehicles in for various maintenance and cleaning, which involved pick up and delivery on a couple of evenings.
I had one book discussion about Eat, Pray, Live.... and will attend another one tomorrow on The Brothers K....
Charlie got to spend some days golfing... we celebrated my dad's 79th b-day..... I got to spend some time with a friend of mine and see his presentation at MathFest 2008...went with Kate and Charlie to Noodles, Target.. the pet store (no new friends)...
Then it will be back to work on Monday... which is our 24th anniversary. Soon it will be the Henn family reunion... and then moving weekend for Molly as she prepares to attend UW-Stout.
So, the summer is quickly fading I'm afraid.... which will bring all of us back to school in one way shape or form this fall.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friends and a visit to Chicago.
While they were here, we went to Karina's Restaurant in Whitewater, which serves delicious Mexican food. David has a cousin in Lake Geneva, so we took a drive down there so he could visit her a bit. We also drove around the lake a bit to see some of the gorgeous houses, and stopped at Big Foot State Park. On the way home, we went to The Elegant Farmer in Mukwonago. Saturday night, we saw Mama Mia! What a fun movie!
On Sunday, David and Mary started for home and Kate and I decided to go the first part of the trip with them. So, we woke early and drove to Harvard IL to get the train there, which took us to the Ogilvie Transportation Center in Chicago. From there, we went to another station, so they could take the South Shore Line back to South Bend IN, to get their car and head back to Ohio. No one had to drive in Chicago traffic... or pay tolls... AND on weekends, you can buy a ticket fon the Northwestern Line for five dollars and ride as much as you want on Saturday and Sunday. Plus, there is a family fare, so for every paying adult three (?) children can ride for free.
Then we went to the large projected fountain in the park as well before heading off to The Art Institute of Chicago to see the Renaissance Art exhibits which had been closed the last two times Kate had been there for Art History field trips. We also saw some of the photography exhibits, the modern exhibit...including a pile of paper in the middle of a wall.. hm.
Here Kate models the gilded glove... beware.
A great visit with our friends and an amazing day in The Big City. :-) What a weekend.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So, we continue packing orders for many many places across the United States.... some items we pack are more unique than others. :-)
P.S. Happy Birthday, Alice!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
AFOTS and other things..
After we circled back around, we then walked down State Street, a favorite place, especially in the summer when there are plenty of people of all kinds, and visited some of our favorite shops, including Pop Deluxe! and the UW Bookstore. Noodles, Inc. for lunch and Coldstone Creamery for dessert.... delicious! Photo source
Then we did the East Wash route ... Target, the Mall, called to say hi to Molly before heading back home to take care of the doggies.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Boxes - big and small....

Addendum: I jinxed myself. The VERY next day... I got a package returned at 8:15 a.m. for being in the wrong box. :-(
I also have stopped measuring the "stuff" instead opting to look at the stuff and then the boxes, then... like a puzzle... fitting everything into the box..
Ok.. ok.. I know. Super exciting....

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Just by chance...

Photograph: Kate L. Barr
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The firecracker that fizzled....53 years ago.
and dinner at TGIFridays .... complete with the "Happy Happy Birthday from all of us to you!! We wish it was our birthday so we could party, too!! " song and the "53" candles from home. I hope you had a good day, CB!
Kate is stealing my strawberry lemonade slushie.... :-(
The Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
Of course, after the sun went down, we did have the traditional "fireworks" display at our house as well. We also got to see some other fireworks being set off in the neighborhood, which I am sure were completely legal.
I hope everyone had a Happy (and safe) Fourth of July!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
This summer, the discussion of a summer job resurfaced. Since my school-year job was just that this year, I also needed/wanted to get a summer job, too. So, Kate and I applied for and got summer jobs at the same place, the warehouse of the art store in our town. Admittedly not the most exciting job on the planet, we are "packers"... not The Packers, because that, as people from Wisconsin know, is different. All of the "arty" orders.. and some health care stuff.. comes through this particular warehouse. After "pickers" gather the order from the shelves, they place it in a bin or on a cart, it gets inspected, then it comes to us for packing. So, we select an order, big or small, and prepare it for shipping. Today, I packed a single, metal pencil sharpener. Not the kind that you crank.. this one was about an inch by a half-inch long. Yesterday, the woman next to me spent most of the day packing a single order for a school district in California. It is also sort of a geography lesson....there is a town called... what?! Imagine living in that town... going to that high school... just what is their mascot?
So Kate and I get to work next or near to each other each day, Monday through Friday, discovering new places, and new products we want to order! :-) Good thing we are not working in the store, where we would basically have to endorse our paychecks to pay for all of the amazing things we see in the orders we pack.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
So close, but so far...
Unfortunately, the weekend began with a loss. My brother's beloved old dog, Arwen, was quite uncomfortable and her health was rapidly failing ... so she was taken to an emergency vet, where goodbyes were said and only the collar brought home. So, hearts were hurting, but the support of the family and the planned activities perhaps helped keep chins up.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Five Gallons.

Mostly, I started donating again after Molly was born. After the events of her birth, and her need for a transfusion, I thought that I would try to give when I could, so that someone else's baby would have what he or she needed to grow up. I know donating is not for everyone; but if you can, some day you might be someone's hero, too.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Another casualty of the flooding...

Friday, June 20, 2008
Five little kittens...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008