Just one thing after another... reports for school, lessons, lots of district testing, meetings for each one of the reports, budgets for next year's supplies, stuff around the house, Easter, reading books for the book groups (The Book Thief... Jimi Hendrix Turns Eighty... ), and other books (Here If You Need Me .... Schuyler's Monster... ) and will need to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle before the end of the month... Kate will finish the semester and then will head off to Italy on the 19th... Molly will be glad to be done with this semester, too.... especially when the studio class is wrapped. Charlie finally was able to get out on the golf course a few times...so there's a happy guy...
Doesn't matter how old you are... when the Easter Bunny leaves bubbles and the day is sunny and bright .. you just have to try 'em out!

This look is the one I open my eyes to see first thing in the morning sometimes.... two tennis balls in there, folks!

What happens when people ask for your name so they can call your order, then they realize they don't know how to spell it? R-E-N-I-A = Renee..... close, but no cigar.
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