You know you have:
1) seen a product in a store, but now cannot find it when you have decided you need it,
2) at least one of something in your house, but regardless of how long you search you cannot locate it(them), or
3) tried to explain the picture of something, which is very clear in your mind, to a clerk in [name of ten or more stores where you have gone to look for a new one] so he/she can help you find the item you are seeking, only to have them look at you like you have totally jumped off the edge.
While that might be true, that is not the point!
After searching on the internet to no avail, because any combination of terms I entered did not produce the item (had I known the actual name, it would have been the lead item on Google search... go figure), I finally found someone who knew what I was talking about and could ORDER me three packages of them.
BUT, WAIT!! Today (remember now, the order for the other three packages has already been placed), Kate and I were at the University Bookstore in Madison (on a Badger game Saturday, who knew?) and what should Kate spy tacked on to the side of a display?! The device! I said... if it is tacked here, they must have it or know where they can get it!! I proceeded to look around and found two containers FULL of them in various colors!!! For $1.49 each!! Why why why.. does that happen... you find things in your house, when you have already bought another... you order three sets, only to find them for the grabbing in a plastic bin.... never fails.
What are these amazing items????
The Klick-Fix.
You simply adhere it to a surface and "klick" your writing utensil into it... where it is held firmly until you lightly lift it up and out when you are ready to write again. Incredible.
Why do I even need/want it? A couple of the students I see at my school cannot keep track of the pencils on the top of their desks... invariably as soon as they open the top of the desk, they forget to hold on to their pencils and they drop off onto the floor, which may as well be a Black Hole for Pencils.... so then, they rarely seem to have a pencil when they need one, creating additional problems for themselves. SO... hopefully, this modification will reduce the number of problems they experience in any school day by one.
I totally understand that feeling - especially trying to explain it to a worker and looking like a fool. That's so funny.
PS - The program I use for adding text to a photo and for editing is online and free. I love it. It's and it's super easy to use.
What is the real name and where can I buy it. This is the exact problem my kids seem to have at school. I can't believe they make something like that-- genius!
The Klick-Fix is the real name. I got them at the University Bookstore in Madison... Claudia from Jonas Office Products in Fort Atkinson is ordering me some by another name... but that doesn't come up on-line when I google it, but Klick-Fix does...
It is one of those things, had we thought of it... we'd be in Bali.
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