Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Molly!

Twenty-two years ago today, Charlie celebrated his first Father's Day. Molly came into this world at 6:03 a.m. that Sunday morning. He was so excited that he went to McDonalds to tell them his happy news and receive his free breakfast! At that time, when fathers brought their children to McDonalds on Father's Day, the father would receive his breakfast for free. Charlie told them he had just become a father that morning so he couldn't bring his child with him... they were nice enough to offer him his choice. This year, the cycle repeats itself and Molly's birthday again falls on Father's Day.

1 comment:

iammommahearmeroar said...

Happy Birthday Molly! I'm so glad you guys have a blog now. It'll be fun to see what you guys are up to. Hope Molly's b-day and father's day were great!