Already the feeling of autumn in the air..... and it seems like it has been kind of lurking there all summer here with the weather pattern we experienced this summer. Not that I am complaining about the lack of beastly hot temperatures, yet it somehow defines summer.
For the last couple of weeks, preparations have been under way for the 2009-2010 school year... in various ways. Classroom prep.... Summer Academy classes, where I learned just enough Spanish to be dangerous or look foolish in the attempt and just enough about an assessment tool to drive my anxiety..... determining what the class list looks like and who will be serving whom where... Open House/Meet Your Teacher last Thursday (and the ice cream social)...the official First Day of School for children in the WUSD is Tuesday, September first... as well as for many others in the area. A time of transition, which is not easy for some of my young charges... so sure to be exciting!
Molly starts her classes for this semester on September 9th at UW Stout.... all summer she has been working at The Home Depot... and taking on some new responsibilities in Kitchen and Bath... hanging out with Ella >^..^< ... visiting with us, friends and new neighbors... While we were away, she came to Fort to hang out with her sister for a few days .... to further "bond" with her sister. :) The house was still standing when we returned. All was handled well!
Kate will continue to work at Nasco for most of the month of September.. as the rest of summer help dwindles away. She will begin her new adventure at the Illinois Institute of Art - Schaumburg officially with Move-in Day on October 1. The Institute runs on a quarterly system so the fall semester has a slightly delayed start. She will have four 4 credit courses... two are confirmed.. two are awaiting approval to over-ride the cap. She photographed her first wedding job in August.. and will have another on October 2nd.. between Move-In Day.. and the first day of classes.. whew!
Charlie has been kept busy with the transition to new leadership in the district (and has brought Jamie in on the fun with that one a couple of times)... and the gradual and sudden reappearance of the teaching staff... who want everything done now...amongst his other responsibilities. He goes out and hits a little white ball on occasion to get rid of some of that stress. :)
Best wishes to all who are beginning new things! Hope it will be an exciting time for all.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
For 25 years....

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