Kate and I headed off to Menomonie to visit Molly. Charlie broke his tooth and had to stay home to get it fixed to knock down the irritation. After he got that settled, he went golfing, took the antenna off the roof, watched a softball game, and did some school stuff...
While we were up at Molly's apartment, we took her to work on Thursday so she could be "teacher" at a tile workshop at The Home Depot...a "Do-it-herself" seminar. :) Then Kate and I went to MOA in search of walking/traveling shoes and were finally successful! Though we didn't go to EVERY shoe store in the place, it seemed like it.
On Friday, we hung around the apartment (mom cleaned) until Molly got home from classes, then we went to lunch at the Acoustic Cafe, before walking to some little shops on Main Street. We also went to Pic-a-Pet... Walmart.... the grocery store and back home to make dinner and Rice Krispie Bars! We watched a couple of movies ....
While we were in the scrapbooking shop on Friday, we saw a sign for a farm that had lambs! Last weekend and this weekend, people are invited to come to the farm to see baby chicks, and lots of lambs... and other animals including three Great Pyranees.. We decided to go for a while before heading home to beat the SNOW storm that was predicted... 

We witnessed the birth of this set of twins!
We got home just as the snow began to fall..... it is still falling..... Spring in Wisconsin.